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Once, in a small Japanese village, a nine tailed fox demon terrorized the people of the village. Then The 4th Hokage sealed the fox away in an orphan baby named Naruto. Naruto is now 12 years old and training to be a shinobi (ninja).
Naruto is an inept ninja-in-training. He has failed the final ninja academy test three times. He passes, though, when an evil ninja teacher tricked Naruto into stealing a forbidden shinobi scroll. Naruto uses a technique from the scroll, multiple doppelgangars (the art of creating flesh & blood copies of himself), to defeat the evil teacher. He is then passed.
Naruto then moved on to the next leg of training. Naruto meets a girl named Sakura and a very serious ninja-to-be named Sasuke. Then the three meet an elite ninja named Kakashi who is to be their sensei.
The squad began their training with Kakashi-sensei, and took part in various low-level missions. Then, soon after the completion of one mission in the Land of Waves that was more than any of them expected, Kakashi-sensei nominated them to take the Chunin exam. Even though some protested, Kakashi felt his students were ready.
The Chunin exam consists of multiple tests. The first was a written exam, for which the proctor was Ibiki (who is in charge of interrogation and black ops). The second test took place in the Forest of Death, and the proctor for that one was Anko. The object for that test was for the squads to each obtain a heaven scroll and earth scroll within five days, and then successfully bring them to the building in the center of the Forest of Death. And that area is rightfully named, as it is quite a deadly place. Normally, after this test the remaining students would move on to the third test, but because so many had passed, some preliminary eliminations were held to reduce the numbers. These were done as one-on-one battles. The rounds went as follows:
Sasuke vs. Yoroi (winner: Sasuke) Zaku vs. Shino (winner: Shino) Kankuro vs. Misumi (winner: Kankuro) Sakura vs. Ino (winner: none) Tenten vs. Temari (winner: Temari) Shikamaru vs. Kin (winner: Shikamaru) Naruto vs. Kiba (winner: Naruto) Neji vs. Hinata (winner: Neji) Rock Lee vs. Gaara (winner: Gaara) Choji Akamichi vs. Dosu Kinuta (winner: Dosu Kinuta) The third part of the chunin exam started a month later. The reason for this delay was so the remaining candidates could recover and work on some new tricks. The Third Hokage tells them that they will be judged by the leaders, kages, fuedal lords of the five shinobi nations. The judges would select either all, some, or none. The only person that doesn't hear this is Sasuke because he's in the hospital, and Kabuto failed to kill him in the hospital.
There was once a Nine-Tailed Demon Fox who attacked the Hidden Leaf Village of the ninjas. A swipe from one of its nine tails could cause earthquakes and crumble mountains. All the ninjas in the village tried to fight it in vain, until the Fourth Hokage sacrificed his own life to seal the Demon Fox away...within the navel of a newborn baby boy. That boy's name: Naruto Uzumaki.
It is now twelve years later, and Naruto has grown up to be a very mischievous young boy, painting graffiti on the monuments and pulling pranks on everyone. He seems to enjoy bumming around, and is not taking his ninja apprenticeship too seriously. In fact, his teacher, Iruka tells him that he is the only one in the class who hasn't yet passed the final apprenticeship test, and Naruto has already failed the test three times!
But when a devious plan by an ambitious "Chuunin" (middle-level ninja) places Iruka-sensei's life in danger, Naruto's determination manifests itself and he saves his teacher. Naruto passes, and he now begins his journey towards being a true ninja!
pus acum 17 ani |
anime baby
 Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 45
pus acum 17 ani |
 Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 197
shikamaru e primul care a ajuns Chuunin! cine ar fi crezut? la cate ede lenes! 

pus acum 17 ani |
 Din: galati
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 72
mie imi spui. E o minunu ca a ajuns El chuunin!nu-i asa? 
_______________________________________ ja ne
pus acum 17 ani |
 Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 197
pai, totusi el este destept sicalculat!

pus acum 17 ani |
Hinata Hyga
 Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 6
_______________________________________ Te iubes si as vrea sa iti spun dar ma rusinez . Tu esti departe dar tot te iubesc te vad zilnic zimbind dupa ea inima ei e la tn iubire .
pus acum 17 ani |
anime baby
 Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 32
e cam lenes dar a reusit sa ajunga chiuning
pus acum 17 ani |
anime baby
 Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 32
ops am gresit poza
pus acum 17 ani |
 Din: tokio~~ayumu's apartement:D~~
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 1537
Hinata Hyga a scris:
[/url][/url][/url][/url][/url] |
si asta vrea sa insemne ? modifica sau sterg posturile

~~stii ce semnificatie are irisul?~~bucuria celor ce cred~~doar cei ce cred in ei pana la final au sansa sa-si schimbe destinul~~este adevarat kiotaka el sa fie salvatorul copiilor spintecatori?~~
pus acum 17 ani |
 Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 197
hai sa vedeti compunerea mea despre Naruto
naruto uzumaki, cel mai hiperactiv ninja tantalau din konoha, sau doar la prima vedere, pt ca in el este ascuns Kyuubi, vulpea cu 9 cozi, care era sa distruga Konoha. Cel care l-a sigilat pe Kyuubi in Naruto a fost Yonadaime, al patrulea Hokage, si seamana asa de bn cu Naruto pt ca este.......tatal lui! 10 octombrie este data cand s-a nascut naruto si este data cand satul a scapat de Kyuubi, dar doar in forma sa. Yondaime voia ca Naurto sa fie vazut ca un erou, asa ca nimeni prezent acolo nu are voie sa spuna ce s-a intamplat. Naruto afla ce se afla in el, dar se obisnuieste si Jiraya il invata sa controleze chakra vulpii cu 9 cozi, ceea ce ii este de mare folos in lupta sa de la examenele chuunin cu neji, care i-a blocat punctele de chakra.
cateva despre Naruto uzumaki:
desi toti il ignorau cand era mic, s-a incurajat singur si nu s-a ascuns ca un las, ci a incercat sa se faca observat, vrea ca lumea sa il respecte, sa le arate ca nu este un monstru
era intr-o lume singura pana cenu l-a intalnit pe Iruka-sensei, care ii este ca un tata mai apoi noii lui colegi, Haruno Sakura si Uchiha Sasuke i-au devenit prieteni apropiati, ceea ce l-a facut s se simta iubit, si voia sa ii arate senseiului lui, Hatake Kakashi, ca poate fii mai bun decat Sasuke
Naruto uraste lasii, cei care renunta la viselel si sperantele si care cred ca nimic nu mai are rost. pe toti cei de felul acesta care i-a intalnit i-a facut sa isis recapete increderea si sperantele
sper ca v-a placut 

pus acum 17 ani |
 Din: tokio~~ayumu's apartement:D~~
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 1537
garantez k a fost foarte frumos ordonat textu bravo

~~stii ce semnificatie are irisul?~~bucuria celor ce cred~~doar cei ce cred in ei pana la final au sansa sa-si schimbe destinul~~este adevarat kiotaka el sa fie salvatorul copiilor spintecatori?~~
pus acum 17 ani |
I'm an anime demon
 Din: ~~New York~~
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 405
super text
_______________________________________ Te iubesc in stil gabana ca esti dolce ca bomboana, Te iubesc in stil armany ca sa moara toti dusmani, Si atunci cand nam ce face ...
pus acum 16 ani |
I'm an anime demon
 Din: ~~New York~~
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 405
dar tot numi vine sa cred ca shikamaru a ajuns primul chunin
_______________________________________ Te iubesc in stil gabana ca esti dolce ca bomboana, Te iubesc in stil armany ca sa moara toti dusmani, Si atunci cand nam ce face ...
pus acum 16 ani |